Cari Tutti,
This week was a great week! We saw lots of little miracles! And I
learned a lot! We got to do a scambio with the sorelle in Savona. I
was with Sorella Salmond. She's from West Valley and went to the
University of Utah. She is in the same group as Sorella Nedelkov, so
she goes home December. She is such a great finder! She talked to
everyone! I loved it! I learned lots of great things from her, and I
feel like my finding has improved just from being with her for a day.
Sorella Goethalls and I have really been trying to do lots of finding
and talking to lots of people so I was able to put some things I
learned from Sorella Salmond into practice. We were able to see a
woman together Friday night. Her name is Maria and she has been
less-active for several years. It was kind of funny because when I
made the appointment with her on Monday I said something that made her
laugh. Then on Thursday I had to change the time. Then on Friday I had
to change it back, and it was just kind of crazy. But things happen for
a reason because it just made her laugh and she just thinks we're
great now. She really wants us to come see her a lot, especially
before she goes to Brazil at the end of November. It was interesting
because when I first called her she said we are welcome to come see
her but she wasn't going to come to church. She just said that right
out. We said we still wanted to come see her. Then when we saw her she
told us that she had told that to other missionaries and they didn't
end up coming. Hopefully she'll be able to feel our love and will want
to return to church.
Saturday we saw Mayra and her mom. Mayra is our age and has a hard
time gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. She feels like she was
just baptized because that's what her mom wanted her to do. Her mom
has a strong testimony. But on Saturday when we came she said
she has been reading the Book of Mormon, and said she prayed and then
opened the Book of Mormon and found a verse that was perfect. Then the
next day she did it again and the same thing happened. It was a
different verse, but it said pretty much the same thing. She has been
reading ever since and has really liked it. We were so happy!! She is
finally coming to know for herself!
Friday night we had an FHE with the ward in Genova 2. and it was sooo
great!!! SOOOO many members came, and it was blast! We even had
several of our investigators there! :D I'm so excited to continue to
do FHE with this ward. I think we'll see lots of miracles. The ward
will grow closer, and it will help with inviting friends and
Monday night we saw Talia!!!! YES!! We finally saw Talia! She has been
so busy with work and kind of figuring things out for herself. She's
going through a hard time right now. We had a great lesson with her,
and she really opened up to us. She does want to get baptized, I think
she's just afraid of the commitment and the complete change that comes
with this decision. I think both Sorella Goethalls and I were guided
with what to say during the whole lesson.
Yesterday morning we decided to passby a lady named Susanna and she
was miraculously home! She's Kerly's and the other Mayra's sister. The
three of them are the ones living in Italy and they have 6 other
siblings in Ecuador and in the United states who are really active members
of the church. I don't think it's a coincidence that we have started
to teach all 3 of them. Heavenly Father is definitely guiding this
work. They all say they feel something missing in their life and want
to get that back. They are all so great.
We were going to have a lesson with Glenda, but then she cancelled so
we decided to passby Elizabetha and Chiara and they were there! Chiara
had a rough day at school because she didn't do too well on an
assignment... and Elizabetha was super tired. But by the time we left
they were both smiles! We talked to them about the 10 commandments and
the the hand signs to remember them. I just love that family so much.
I just feel at home when I'm with them.
Yesterday on the bus I was thinking about the Atonement and how
blessed we are to truly know what we do about what Christ did for us.
He didn't just make a worthy act and die for us on the cross, but he
truly suffered for each one of us in the Garden of Gethsemane. He
knows us so personally and knows EXACTLY what we go through. I guess
what made me think of it was whenever we talk to people about Christ
they usually say they believe in Him and he was a great person. How it
was a great sacrifice that he made to die on the cross or whatever.
But they never really understand how MUCH he did. A lot of people we
talk to don't even believe in Him. This morning I read Mosiah 14 and
the words Isaiah use to describe what Christ went through are so
beautiful. It truly humbles me and makes me grateful for the love
Christ has for each one of us.
Well, I hope everyone has a great Halloween this Saturday! We're
getting ready for a great Halloween party we're having with the ward
:D Italians actually DO celebrate Halloween, but only in these recent
years. It's fun to see the decorations in store windows and the
bakeries, who make yummy Halloween goodies :)
Love ya bunches!
Vi voglio un sacco di bene!
Sorella Dixon