Cari Tutti!
Happy Spring!! It's getting so nice and warm here! I hope it's warming
up where you are and that the sun is shining everyday! I just love
missionary work in the spring! People are just so much happier and
more open to the message :)
This week was quite the week! Last Thursday was the missionary
conference with Anziano Christofferson! And that was amazing! The
spirit was so strong and I learned a lot! A quote that he said that I
loved was "You don't need to give more time, you just need to involve
more people."
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"On the train ride home from the Elder Christofferson Conference which was held in Milan" |
Last week we had some pretty great lessons with the Romanian family!
So there are now about 4 houses we go to and each place has a lot of
people. Each time is such a different experience and we never really
know who's going to be there. But I love it!! At one house, that has
the most people usually, they let us come in and then just tell us to
go in the kitchen. There is this one girl, Larissa, who is 5 and she
loves it when we come! She's sooo cute! We will sing songs with her
and her cousin and then it's her mom (Cristina) who is the most
interested there. We had a great lesson with her reading the Book of
Mormon in the corner of the kitchen. She shared some great faith
experiences that she's had in her life. These people have practically
NOTHING yet they have so much faith in God! And they trust Him so
much. She shared how her prayers have been answered when she didn't
have any money but went out and prayed that she'd be able to get 5
euro, not at someone's cost though. And a man randomly gave her 5
euro. Then another time she needed to find work and really prayed and
didn't find anything until she came home and a cousin said there was
an opening at a place he knew. One lesson we had with her, we were
reading in 1 Nephi and we talked about how it's important to
recognize how we feel as we read it. Something I learned from Elder
Bednar was to have the investigators describe how they feel and help
THEM recognize the spirit. The words they gave were so good. Tamara,
Cristina's mom said "good". Cristina said "Filled" and another woman
another time said "like God's inside me". It's so neat to be apart of
people's first experience with the spirit. Cristina really wants to
know if the Book of Mormon is true and if she should get baptized and
was asking us great questions about how to recognize God's answer! She
committed to church... And didn't end up coming... But hopefully next
One time we went over and there was another family there that we had
never met. A mother with five kids just lost their house. We showed
the Easter message, and she was so touched. She started crying. We were
able to see her again at Corina's house and taught her the restoration
and she loved it! She also has so much faith and shared how when her
oldest daughter was a baby she got stuck in a burning house and she
thought she had lost her. She went to the hospital to get her clothes
thinking she had died, but then something told her that she was still
alive. And she knows that God saved her.
Getting to know these people have been incredible. I absolutely LOVE
it! When I prayed to find a family, I had NO idea God would send a
HUGE, extended family to teach. It's pretty fun because they all know
that we go to all their cousins houses and then they'll ask about the
other members since they don't see each other as often as we see them
Haha. And we've gotten to try some pretty great Romanian food :)
This Sunday is Easter! Buona Pasqua! In Italy they have a tradition of
giving these big chocolate eggs. A ton of store/bakery windows are
full of chocolate eggs and it's so cute! Also with Pasqua we've
been able to share the Hallelujah video! I love how it says several
times, "with Christ, I have found new life." In district meeting our
district leader shared with us a great quote from Ezra Taft Benson
about change that I just loved:
"The Lord works from the inside out. The world works from the outside
in. The world would take people out of the slums. Christ takes the
slums out of people, and then they take themselves out of the slums.
The world would mold men by changing their environment. Christ changes
men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human
behavior, but Christ can change human nature."
It's so true. Christ truly CHANGES people. I have loved seeing that in
other people, and also myself. The Gospel brings so much joy, hope,
and LOVE.
Have a great week and always remember the One who rose again the third day.
Vi voglio bene,
Sorella Dixon
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"Seeing Sorella Pulli at the Elder Christofferson conference" |
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"Seeing Sorella Goethals at the Elder Christofferson conference" |
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Scambio |
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"They always bring treats to English class" |
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"The treat usually consists of fruit and nuts" |
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"This is what happens when the elders get ahold of your iPad!" |