Cari Tutti!
Come state? Life in Italy is pretty great! The weather has been so nice lately! Which is so great because so many people are out that we can talk to! The last couple of days we have just been able to do finding in the park because so many people are just sitting on benches enjoying the weather!
Friday as we were walking on the street I had the first encounter with an anti-Mormon, or really just someone who wanted to argue. We were walking and the guy just started asking "Joseph Smith? Joseph Smith?" and we were like yes... and then he was just saying stuff to get us to argue. We just smiled and pretty much agreed with everything he was saying because he was saying the Bible was the word of God and Joseph Smith is a normal person like each of us. We didn't try to argue and by the end he was just happy as ever and even shook our hands and said it was nice to meet us! During part of it he was talking about names and how everyone has a name that means something. He looked at me and said "Like your name.. well I don't know what your name is.. but if it was Silvanna it would mean..." And then he said what it meant. I don't remember what he said because I was just shocked that he guessed my name! Silvanna is the Italian version of Savanna! crazy!
This week we were quite the scientists. If you ever wondered if mold can grow on mold.. it can! We did that experiment without even knowing! In our fridge... on our mushrooms! Don't worry, the rest of our food is good! We just had a little too many mushrooms...
For FHE we wanted to do the object lesson where we color the water and then pour something in it and it becomes clear again- relating it to repentance and baptism. So we just kind of made up the chemical solution of bleach and some other cleaning liquid in our house... and it worked!! We did it 3 times in our apartment to make sure we got it down. And then we did it at FHE aaaaand.. of course it didn't work! The water was blue and once we poured in the chemicals it started turning this green gross color! We poured in more bleach and it turned pinkish orangish, and when we poured in a little more bleach it FINALLY turned clear! Haha it was a lovely lesson... we just said how the Atonement is ALWAYS there and we need to ALWAYS utilize it. Not just once!
I hope everyone has a great Easter this weekend! Remember-- He is ALWAYS there.
Have a great time watching conference! I know we're super excited for general conference this weekend!
Vi Voglio Bene! Buona Pasqua!!
Sorella Dixon
"We found some cool walls to take photos in front of"
Spring in Milan
"I love the cute little cars"
"The weather has been nice enough for us
to eat out on our balcony"
What nice scenery
Sorella Dixon's apartment building
"The street is named Caio Mario"
ps--Here is a little April Fool's Day trick played on us this morning. It is written by Sister Nedelkov. Those little stinkers. Doesn't Sorella Dixon know that the gray hairs are already overtaking my head?!?!
"This last week me and Sorella Dixon were out walking in the park. Remember how I told you guys that the Italians drive like maniacs? Well... I am living proof! So we were walking across a road and of course just like you taught me I looked both ways. The car that was coming toward us was really nice and stopped for us, but the car behind him thought that it would be smart to go around. In short, I got hit by a car and broke my left leg. It's not super bad though, I only have to be in a cast for 10 weeks. Don't even worry about it. :D"
Nice. Just nice.

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