Cari Tutti!
Well transfer calls came this week....and I'm going to GENOVA!!! (or
Genoa in English...) Woohoo! I'll be with Sorella Russell who will be
in her 9th transfer. Guess what's crazy? She was Sorella Griffin's last
companion! So that's pretty neat :) And Sorella Griffin has told me
ALL about Genova so now I know all the great things to see and do! I'm
pretty excited! It's by the ocean, so hopefully that means it will be
a little cooler... since it has been toasting here! Sorella Griffin is
staying here and will be training! yay!
She'll be great! I'm leaving right when we have amazing investigators,
so that's really sad. But it will give the new missionary a great
start! :)
Wednesday night we had dinner and a lesson with Vicenzo and his wife
Flora. His wife is suuuper nice. We had pizza, pulia style. So really thick and
huge. Vicenzo is a funny guy, but he's pretty great. We had another
lesson with him Saturday where we really talked about praying about
the church to see if it's true.
Thursday we had a great lesson with Karen, Alessandra, and Giuliana.
They wanted to watch the Restoration video so we did and they really
liked it. We became really good friends with Giuliana! Now we just
need to get Alessandra to feel more comfortable around us. They
accepted the soft baptismal invite, they just want to pray and really
know if this is the true church.
Then we had quite the interesting lesson with Nancy. There are 2
friends who live with them and one of them was home so we invited him
to join us. It started out really great and then he just started
telling us about lots of things but mostly about how dangerous Peru is,
or used to be. They both were telling experiences they have each had,
involving terrorists and crazy people. I had NO idea Nancy had to deal
with so many things. It's amazing how such young people are called as
missionaries to help people heal from experiences that we didn't even
know happened!
Friday morning as we were getting food in the kitchen it kind of smelt
like fish... sometimes the umido smells really bad (that's the garbage
for the food like peelings and stuff since they don't have just normal
garbages here. You have to recycle everything.) So we decided we
needed to take that out that day. So later I pulled out the bag and
underneath were MAGGOTS!!! Yes alive crawly things at the bottom of
the container! gross gross gross! And it smelt even worse since I was
closer! I was almost gagging. Disgusting! We were trying to figure out
why in the world this time it was so bad since we took it out just 2
days earlier and then we realized that there was a bad egg yolk in
there that Sorella Griffin threw away Thursday.... I will never put
eggs in my umido again without taking it out that day! haha quite the
Saturday every. single. one. of our appointments and plans fell
through. Every one! It was crazy! That hadn't happened at all this
transfer! I guess there has to be one day... So we tried some
passbys, made calls, rode the metro (since it was cooler and that's
really the only place to do finding since no one is at the park or on
the streets in this weather!) Happy 4th of July to us! ;)
Luckily we were able to see Vicenzo that night. And I got to see Anita
one last time before I left! So it wasn't a day full of nothing :)
Anita has moved hospitals and is now doing therapy. She has read more
of the Book of Mormon and had great questions. We also taught her
about the Plan of Salvation. It was probably the best lesson we've had
with her! Pretty soon she'll get to go home and then she wants to come
to church!
Sunday was my last Sunday in Lampugnano! So many people were so nice
and were sad to say goodbye. I really feel like this is my ward! I
love them! I got to bear my testimony. It was crazy thinking about
just 4 months ago I was bearing my testimony because I was new here
and how I could barely say the basics and then this time I could
really share my feelings! I'm excited to see how much more my language
will continue to grow in each place! Sorella Griffin set up lots of
appointments with members and got two new investigators that she'll be
meeting with this week with her greenie!
Monday we had lunch with the Mosquiera's. They are from Peru. They
were in Florida for about a month so this was the first time Sorella
Griffin has met them. They are so great! And then we visited Giovanna
and Gaia. I've had a few lunch appointments with them with Sorella
Nedelkov. Giovanna is 70 and she was the first lady I spoke with on
the phone! We have been trying to have lunch with them this whole
transfer but they have had to move it probably about 10 times. So
we finally got to see them and I got to say goodbye!
Then that night we had a really good lesson with Nancy at the
Ramos's! They are so great! Sorella Ramos has a really strong
testimony and was explaining things really well. I love lessons with
members there! Nancy didn't come to church Sunday because she said
they were out late Saturday night and she didn't wake up in time.... We
were reading in 1 Nephi 3 and we talked about how God always provides
a way to keep the commandments when we got to verse 7. We talked about
church. And how important it is to go every Sunday. Mckenzie is super
cute! She's such a busy baby, but so adorable. I was giving the
closing prayer and she decided that that was the perfect time to come
and try to use to me to stand up. :)
Today is my last pday in Lampugnano! CRAZY! Sorella Griffin had me
try Focaccia here because Focaccia is AMAZING in Genova and she wants
me to see the difference. Focaccia is really good bread that I'll just
have to take a picture of when I get to Genova so you can see what it
looks like. It started in Genova so everyone says it's the best there,
so I guess I'll get to see! :) Tonight is FHE at the church and I've
invited pretty much everyone so I can see them at least one last time!
Tomorrow I'm leaving for Genova! Woot woot! i'm pretty excited! And a
little sad. I love Milano and all the people here. It's been great.
I'm super excited to see more of beautiful Italy though and meet more wonderful people!! :D
Have a great week!
Vi Voglio bene!
Sorella Dixon :)
Happy 4th of July... ;)
Just one American flag that we saw and had to take a picture with!
A little information on Genoa:
Genoa is the 6th largest city in Italy. Over 1.5 million people live in the Genoa Metropolitan Area. Genoa is one of Europe's largest cities on the Mediterranean Sea and the largest seaport in Italy.
Genoa has been nicknamed la Superba ("the Proud one") due to its glorious past and impressive landmarks. It is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus.
Images of Genoa from Google.
It will be fun to see images from Sorella Dixon!!

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