Cari tutti,
I hope everyone had a great week! And especially a great weekend
watching conference! We are sooo blessed to have modern day prophets
and apostles who can lead and guide us and say words perfect for each
one of us.
This week I was able to learn so much from so many different missionaries.
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Scambio with Sorella Rosano |
Last week we were able to spend pday with Sorella Rosano because there
were some transfer changes so she stayed with us for the day to wait
for her companion. She is Italian and is such a a sweet missionary. We
taught a lesson that evening to Cristina and Maria and Sorella Whiting
(the American who served in Romania) came with us. It was so great to
have her there. They looooved her! And loved being able to speak
Romanian with her! It was such a crazy lesson because they were all
speaking in Romanian with her, and then Sorella Whiting would
translate for us the gist of what they were saying. And then I would
translate into Italian for Sorella Rosano. But it was so good because
for Cristina things finally clicked and she understood that there was
only one true church with the authority of God. Sorella Rosano gave
such a powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon. The way she teaches
is amazing. She is sooo bold and so powerful, yet she also teaches in
a way where you can feel so much love and see the happiness that the
gospel brings.
Cristina said she would really pray about it. When we asked her about
it a few days later she said she prayed and asked God if our book or
their book was right. And didn't feel anything. When I asked her what
their book was she said the Bible... Haha so we explained that a
little better. She's still praying about it and does want to
get an answer.
Thursday and Friday we had several zone trainings. We had the
opportunity to go to Padova, Mestre, and Rimini. I love being around
missionaries. The energy and spirit is always so high! We talked about
some great things. One of the most powerful parts was when we talked
about the apostolic blessing that Anziano Christofferson gave when he
visited the missionaries. They gave each of us a copy of some of the
promises he made and it was neat to hear everyone's thoughts on it.
Some missionaries in our mission weren't able to go to the conference
because only a certain amount of missionaries could. But there was one
Anziano who didn't get to go, but instead of feeling left out he was
sooo grateful to hear about the blessing. He felt the spirit so strong
and really shared his thoughts about it. I think we could all feel the
spirit so strongly when he was talking. We have been blessed by an
apostle and I've already seen some of those blessings in my life and
in our missionary work.
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Zone Confernce |
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Zone Conference |
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Travelling and dinner with President and Sister Dibb |
Saturday and Sunday were great because of conference!!
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Conference goodness!! |
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I'm guessing she turned around to play the piano, as well!! |
We were also able to see a few people those days.
Monday we had such a great District meeting. Our district leader right
now is so great. He is so humble and truly follows the spirit. As a
district we have decided to consecrate this month. We've made some
goals and things we really want to accomplish, so we can find and
baptize people and really involve the members.
We are calling it Operation "So Great a Cause" (inspired from these
scriptures in D&C 131)
19 Now, what do we hear in the gospel which we have received? A voice
of gladness! A voice of mercy from heaven; and a voice of truth out of
the earth; glad tidings for the dead; a voice of gladness for the
living and the dead; glad tidings of great joy. How beautiful upon the
mountains are the feet of those that bring glad tidings of good
things, and that say unto Zion: Behold, thy God reigneth! As the dews
of Carmel, so shall the knowledge of God descend upon them!
22 Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and
not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your
hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth
into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to
the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which
would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners
shall go free.
I think this is just what Bologna needs. We have already seen miracles
actually and I know we will continue to see them this month!!
Then we were able to have a Scambio with the Sorelle from Modena. I
got to serve with Sorella Lau from Arizona :) (well actually her
family now lives in American Fork)
That Scambio was amazing! This is another incredible Sorella! I
learned soooo much from her! Something that we talked about that I
want to share is how as members we don't fully live the gospel. We are
happy with our lives and feel the peace and joy from the gospel. But
when we involve missionary work, we can enjoy the fullness of it. We
aren't worried or stressed about our own lives, instead we are
searching for ways to uplift others. We find opportunities to share
and build our testimonies of Christ, even in ways we never thought
about. We truly can make a bigger impact than we think we can. We
aren't just everyday people living normal lives. We are children of
God, who is all powerful. If we think we aren't good enough, we are
being selfish. When we think of Christ instead, all fear goes away and
we can see just how much He can help us do.
We had some powerful lessons and great miracles! One in particular was
at the very end of the Scambio. We were doing some parco and ended up
talking to a lady from Moldova. She just came back to Italy that day.
We showed her the Hallelujia video and she said that all of her family
is religious except her. She said that they pray that she'll come back
to church because she hasn't gone to church in 6 years. Yet, after we
talked to her and shared our testimonies she said she wanted to come
to church this Sunday. I know we were supposed to talk to her. And I
think it really shows because in the middle of the day Sorella Lau
showed me the phone, and it was locked... And she couldn't remember the
passcode. There was no way to talk to the other Sorelle so we just
decided to meet up when we had planned to. Well, when we got to the
station at 5:30 they said they had been trying to get ahold of us
forever because some plans changed and wanted to take the train at
5:20 instead of 5:50. Well of course we never got that.... But if they
would've called, then we would've left the park before we could have
talked to Natalia.
Well there's so many more great things of this week, but that's all I
have time for. So I hope you all have a great spring week and remember
how much good you can really do!
Love you lots!
Con amore,
Sorella Dixon
![]() | close, but yet so far! |
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A beautiful library in Bologna |
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Underneath in the library--I'm not sure how they got there... |
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HAPPINESS!!! She looks sincerely happy!! |
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